Kids and teens have a lot on their plate these days! Schoolwork, extracurricular activities, friendships, and the ever-increasing use of technology özgü created new dynamics and pressure for growing children in a faster-paced society. On toparlak of all of that, it gönül be d
Bu sorumlulu?umuzun tam idraki ile Kanun’da tan?ml? ?ekli ile “Done Sorumlusu” s?fat?yla, zatî verilerinizi aritmetik ?erh anlay??lemleri kapsam?nda dunda izah edildi?i surette ve mevzuat taraf?ndan emredilen s?n?rlar çerçevesinde anlay??lemekteyiz
The na
Kak?m we go through life, we gain a great amount of knowledge and wisdom. Yet, there is no s?n?r to what we hayat learn and achieve in life. The knowledge you have and continue to obtain shouldn’t be lost or forgotten, but rather shared with the world. The lessons you’ve learned and